- PMIS, Inc will personally evaluate and inventory distresses to create a “Scope of Work” for the property.
- At PMIS, Inc, we do all of our evaluations and budget planning in house. We do not need to rely on outside contractors to complete our work. Along with our scope of work, all quantities of all tasks are given to the contractors for bids that have true parity. This allows for a controlled competitive bid to take place. In some cases, when the resources of a licensed engineer is required, PMIS, Inc. will work with the appropriate disciplined engineering company that we have a standing relationship with. This is important, because some may call for a drainage design where others may need geotechnical expertise to redesign the pavement section. In rare cases where structures are involved, a separate structural engineer may be needed. PMIS, Inc will see that the proper engineer expert is used for the association.
- Once the survey is complete with report, a budget will be developed for the association. This will include 5 years, 10 years, etc. with projected costs. This will aid greatly in future project funding. By using our wealth of experience and education to evaluate the asphalt and develop a scope of work along with our long standing presence in the local pavement industry, which allows us to constantly update budget figures and be on top of economic trends. PMIS, Inc is uniquely qualified to set a long term maintenance plan geared solely toward the owner's or association's needs.
- PMIS, Inc will meet with association/owner to discuss the results of the survey and develop a budget and maintenance plan to meet the needs of the association. It is critical that the voice of the board and community is heard, that is why PMIS, Inc, does not finalize any reports or budgets without first meeting with the community before and after our survey. Listening to the association's needs is the only way to ensure that the proper program is being developed that meets the current and future needs, as well as complies to the association’s fiscal capabilities.